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[vdr] sucess with 2.6 kernel-dvd (strangeness detected)

I finally got a sucess with compiling vdr against the builtin dvb subsystem in kernel 2.6.

Had to made the folowing changes:

I ignored DVBDIR in the Makefile and set INCLUDE to the path of the userspaceincludes of linux.
INCLUDES = -I$/usr/include

This will maybe clash with the usage of DVBDIR in the Plugin Makefiles. Unfortunately some of them redefines the path, so you have to patchevery plugin.
I'm not sure, but it seens to be the cleanest way to remove or change the usage of DVBDIR. Why not call in INCLUDE and set both path, ../DVB and /usr/inlude ?

And, by some strange reasons time.h ist included twice wich causes errors i do not understand.
I removed the inclution of time.h in /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h an was able to compile.

Well, that is ugly. But wouln't that be a great challange to anyone of you who understand really what he is doing? :)

Well, it's posible. But not out of the box.
Since 2.6 is 'stable', the demand of a out-of-the-box solution will increase.

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