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[vdr] Re: How come there's no full EPG


A few months ago I wrote some scripts which parsed data from the Ananova
website - the script could be modified to work with others such as

The scripts were:

- A Perl script which downloaded data using wget, parsed the XML and
inserted it into a mysql database.
- A couple of PHP scripts which displayed a web page, allowed the user to
select what to record/not record using Javascript, then
- A Perl script which opened up a socket to VDR's remote interface and
programmed timers.

They're probably not yet production quality - sort of a 'my first
PHP+Javascript' type of exercise but they did work for me the couple of
times I tried them. Problem is I've been too busy getting the mpeg decoding
stuff to work to actually record stuff with VDR :-)

If anyone is thinking of doing anything under the same lines I'll dig the
scripts out in case they are useful as a starting point.



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