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[vdr] Re: DVD plugin (dvd-0.3.4-rc10) and LIRC

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I just switched back to rc-6 and now everything is fine. CPU usage is
back to nearly nothing. Back then I had always problems with the dvd
plugin (skipping audio/video). But not anymore since I installed the so
called gentoo-sources and removed the vanilla sources. The
gentoo-sources contain things like the preemptive patch etc. Now dvds
play skipping-free. I think the changes between older versions of the
vd-plugin and rc-10 were made to improve the plugin. But I do not really
understand why changes have been made that seem so cpu consuming. I got
an Duron 1.3GHz here and 40% cpu usage is a lot. Can less powerful pc
hardware even take the dvd-plugin rc-10? And what changes have been made
that the menu controlled with a remote control is slowed down and even
sometimes doesn't even recognize lirc signals? May it be that these
changes become obsolete when more and more people use kernels that are
made for multimedia, eg. gentoo-sources, eg. keyword preemptible?

Fact is I recently bought a Yamaha DVD Player and since I installed the
gentoo-sources kernel and downgraded to dvd plugin version 0.3.4-rc6 I
almost feel bad about buying the Yamaha since the dvd plugin seems to
work perfectly now, no skipping audio or video, no broken menus at all,
VDR menus all working, VDR is responsive to all lirc signals. It's
nearly too good to be true.

Thanks! I sometimes forget how thankful I should be for all this, for
instance I've no experience in writing software but with vdr and its
plugins I get this fantastic thing. Even watching TV without ads itself
is a powerful experience for that I owe you dudes!


Sebastian Kemper wrote:
| This is the exact problem I'm experiencing right know. Is there a
| solution yet? Sorry for the bad quoting!
| Sebastian
| Quote: "Now that I have managed to compile it I have a bit of a problem
| with LIRC, namely you get a command, or two in when the dvd starts, but
| then the remote does nothing. Meanwhile the keyboard does still control
| things...
| I notice that the cpu usage of vdr is ~35% (of a fast Athlon) so maybe
| that is disturbing the counting ? Anyway, is there a fix ?
| On another note: the rhythmical sound disturbances I used to get have
| been replaced by sound slooowdowns. So instead of having a lound hiss
| every second, I get the effect of someone holding on to the spool of a
| tape recorder just as often, less unpleasant than before, but still not
| right."

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