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[vdr] Re: VDR remote control via WAP

Malcolm Caldwell wrote:

I have tried you scripts but I am having some problems.  The main one is
with viewing the schedule.  I always get a timeout message when this
happens.  Worse: vdr no longer responds to any svdrp after that.

My (quick) guess is that this is due to the amount of epg data on my
system ( is 270Kb - which I would not have thought was that
much, but it may take a while to lste over my isdn).

That may be a problem of the LSTE under svdrp, since it returns the _complete_ EPG database without prefiltering and can take a long time depending on its size. You could try to change timeouts on your local HTTP server, but I don't think it would help much.

One possibility I can imagine to improve response time is to cache the epg in a (small) database running on the WAP gateway... I'll also try some code changes in the scripts to achieve faster response.


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