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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.2.6 and _new_ driver capabilities (backport to 0.94 driver possible?)

Am Montag, 2. Februar 2004 21:15 schrieb Reiner Rosin:
> Do you know if using the old fw with a newer driver might have any
> other side-effects?

I already tried this last year, it worked, somehow, but the lockup with 0.9.4 
was'nt that much more seldom than with the current firmware that it really 
made sense (at least using analogtv).

But i did'nt change anything regarding HW_FILTERS, maybe that was the reason?

OSD distortions and video distortions because of OSD do happen often then, to 
make it work you need to reimplement a udelay(5000) after an OSD-function 
call, that makes the OSD really slow. (5000µs was minimum required here!)

Will the nice colored station icons and all the fancy new layout work with the 
old driver too? I wonder...


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