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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: Remote Control Plugin 0.2.1


there is a new version of the Remote Control plugin.
It can be downloaded from
See README for details.

2004-02-01: Version 0.2.1

- Implemented code to autodetect the remote control device.
  If called without parameters, the plugin will detect the receiver of the
  DVB card on event0/1/2/... automagically. This should make setup easier
  for people who have an USB keyboard or an USB mouse.
- Included workaround for kernel 2.6: Try to get exclusive access
  ("grab" device). Patching the plugin is not required anymore.
- Added some OSD diagnostic messages to make debugging easier.
- Included some patches in sub-directory 'misc':
  o DVB driver patch to set permissions for /proc/av7110_ir to 666
  o kernel 2.4 keybdev patch
  See README for details when these patches should be applied.
- Minor code clean-up.

Have fun,


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