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[vdr] 3,5" CI

Hello list..

I have tried to get my 3,5" CI to work,
but no success so far :-/

I have tried vdr-1.2.x and 1.3.3 and different DVB-driver versions.

Currently only I have a Conax CAM:
 -sticker says: Rev. 1.0
 -My Nokia tuner says: Conax 4.0e

The CAM does not show up in the log when starting vdr..

I have a Hauppauge PCI rev2.1

On the PCB inside the CI it says:
  Rev. 1.6 

There is one big chip in the CI with this:

Soh, the big question: Is this CI supported?

..or does it still exist some untried ninja-tricks out
there to try :-)


Nils Olav Fossum

-Linux is not ready for the desktop.
-And neither is windows. People have just learned to put up with it.

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