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[vdr] Re: no home brew DVDs with DVD Plugin?

> I'm trying now since a few days to make DVDs from my DVB-T vdr with DXR3 and 
> Nova-T and I have no success since then.

Up to now, I have the impression, that the error comes from the DVD-Plugin, 
which produces this result when running on the DXR3...

Feb  4 18:23:30 vdr vdr[29243]: transfer thread ended (pid=29243)
Feb  4 18:23:31 vdr vdr[28944]: cTS2PES got 2 TS errors, 2 TS continuity errors
Feb  4 18:23:31 vdr vdr[28944]: cTS2PES got 0 TS errors, 2 TS continuity errors
Feb  4 18:23:31 vdr vdr[28944]: buffer stats: 31960 (3%) used
Feb  4 18:23:31 vdr vdr[31664]: input thread started (pid=31664)
Feb  4 18:23:32 vdr vdr[31664]: cDxr3AudioDecoder::Decode skipping 2017 broken data bytes
Feb  4 18:23:35 vdr vdr[31664]: cDxr3AudioDecoder::Decode skipping 1537 broken data bytes
Feb  4 18:23:41 vdr vdr[31664]: cDxr3AudioDecoder::Decode skipping 1490 broken data bytes

I am able to produce DVD-images with vdrsync, which work perfectly now with 
ogle and mplayer, but the DVD-plugin is still choppy with these images.

Is anybody able to confirm this, or if not, is anybody producing DVDs with 
vdrsync and is able to  replay those with  the DVD plugin via a DXR3 and - if 
yes - which versions of vdr, DVD-plugin, vdrsync, tcmplex, em8300-modules and 


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