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[vdr] Re: is vdrconvert really so buggy?

I'm using vdrconvert for quite a long time now and I admit it has its
hiccups but besides those it does its job *very* well.

If you just wanted to complain, ok, feeling better now ?

If you are looking for help, *what* exactly is your problem ?
As I said, did anyone encounter similar problems?
(channels.conf deleted with installing vdrconvert, noad/
vdr stop/restart freezes system after installing vdrconvert, noad)

Are these exact questions, Karsten?

Exactly after installing of vdrconvert and noad these problems showed up. Asking if anyone else came over these peculiarities is not complaining.

There are several forums and mailing lists full of problems with vdr. And a lot of people discussing it and helping each other. But I never heard a kind of advice like yours...
Best wishes, Richard

Richard Müller - Am Spring 9 - D-58802 Balve -

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