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[vdr] Re: Zooming in on a region of the screen

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 16:15:14 -0000, "Iwan Davies"
<> wrote:

> Kind of related to my previous question regarding APIDs, what is the
> feasibility of a plugin to zoom in on a specific region of the screen. The
> concept is as follows:
> Certain channels broadcast "mosaics" containing 4, 6 or even 9 images. The
> plugin would allow you to define how many images were on a given mosaic, and
> then superimpose an OSD "grid", which you could navigate using the arrow
> keys. When you push OK, the plugin would then zoom the corresponding region
> of the screen. I realize the resolution would be a bit pants, but it would
> probably be sufficient to display a decent enough image, no? To see the sort
> of mosaic I mean, tune to
> BBCi Mosaic:10847:v:S28.2E:22000:2305:2306,2307:0:0:6900:2:2050:0

The osdpip plugin can be probably missused for this. But you need a fast
machine to get an acceptable image.


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