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[vdr] Recording and watching encypted channels


Is it normal and designed behaviour that a CAM can only decrypt one
channel at a given time? So it is not possible to record one encrypted
channel and watch another one at the same time? I can understand this
limitation, it seems pretty logical.

However, could one request a little feature for VDR that would warn the
user that this is the case and that a recording will fail if the user zaps
to other encrypted channels while doing a recording? I did this a few days
ago, and VDR happily let me zap to any other encrypted after the recording
had been started, thus ruining the recording. Maybe some mechanism that
says that "the CAM is now locked, no other encrypted channels available"
would solve the problem? Or are there deeper issues that I have no idea

               "Stercus, stercus, stercus, moriturus sum."
                                       -- Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times

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