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[vdr] Re: UPT...


i had applied the patch Klaus posted some days ago, the count of UPT's has reduced, but not vanished (one in 6 days, before it was one in two days).

i use a slightly more complicated script to avoid accidetial restarts, and patching the "fix" into dvbdevice.c after each update. basically it only restarts if three UPT happen within 5 minutes, but thats not the point.

log of UPT's (2 FF card system, AMD1100, 7 disks)
[root@vdr root]# zcat /var/log/messages.*.gz|grep DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR|sed 's/Feb /Feb 0/g'|sort -M
Jan 13 08:58:22 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1073980702 t2:1073980693 t3:1073980686 ct:3
Jan 15 15:35:22 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074177322 t2:1074177321 t3:1074177307 ct:3
Jan 19 15:35:07 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074522907 t2:1074522906 t3:1074248519 ct:3
Jan 20 23:12:41 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074636761 t2:1074636726 t3:1074636709 ct:3
Jan 22 23:11:43 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074809503 t2:1074809500 t3:1074809498 ct:3
Jan 23 07:28:52 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074839332 t2:1074839324 t3:1074839121 ct:3
Jan 24 04:37:41 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1074915461 t2:1074914990 t3:1074914785 ct:3
Jan 26 15:39:33 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075127973 t2:1075127941 t3:1075127733 ct:3
Jan 27 23:12:20 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075241540 t2:1075241471 t3:1075241470 ct:3
Jan 28 15:37:05 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075300625 t2:1075300585 t3:1075300534 ct:3
Jan 30 23:12:52 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075500772 t2:1075500757 t3:1075500746 ct:3
Feb 01 00:36:16 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075592176 t2:1075591983 t3:1075591890 ct:3
Feb 01 03:15:03 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075601703 t2:1075599783 t3:1075593864 ct:3
Feb 01 10:22:44 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075627364 t2:1075627363 t3:1075627236 ct:3
Feb 02 15:36:21 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075732581 t2:1075732550 t3:1075732517 ct:3
Feb 05 15:39:35 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1075991975 t2:1075991945 t3:1075991735 ct:3
Feb 10 08:53:01 vdr DVB-VDR-PICTURE_TYPE_ERROR: killed vdr t1:1076399581 t2:1076399245 t3:1076399179 ct:3
[root@vdr root]# ls -l /vdr12/vdr/dvbdevice.c
-rw-r-xr-x 1 root vdr 52147 Feb 6 20:59 /vdr12/vdr/dvbdevice.c

hope it can help

Gregoire Favre wrote:


again with 1.3.4:

Feb 12 18:12:13 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '7'
Feb 12 18:12:13 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '4'
Feb 12 18:12:16 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '4'
Feb 12 18:12:16 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '7'
Feb 12 18:12:18 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '6'
Feb 12 18:12:21 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '7'
Feb 12 18:12:22 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '4'
Feb 12 18:12:31 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '6'
Feb 12 18:12:33 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '4'
Feb 12 18:12:35 greg last message repeated 4 times
Feb 12 18:12:38 greg vdr[11096]: ERROR: unknown picture type '6'
Feb 12 18:12:42 greg last message repeated 2 times

remux.c really need an edit... for example that way:
it sounds better to further debug the cause, you could use a script to trigger a restart.

regards Onno

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