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[vdr] Re: DVD replay - screen remains black

Am Thu, 12 Feb 2004 18:47:44 +0100 schrieb Patrick Cernko

> Hi RML (is that you name? :-) )

Ralf is what you are asking for :)
RML means RalfMailinList just to prevent from getting too much
spam on my private account !

> How long did wait until giving up. As you can see, this is a 

Good question - since I am not a so called patient guy it's possible
not giving it more than one minute.
Also because I am normally not willing to wait > 1min for watchind DVD ;-)

> copy-protected DVD and libdvdread is using libdvdcss (which fortunatly 
> could be found on your system) to decode the scrambled data. This can 
> take a _long_ while. Maybe just wait a minute or two longer. libdvdcss 
> normaly prints out some status messages on regular basis to see that it 
> is still alive.

> Alternatively try a (selfmade) unencrypted DVD first.

OK - I'll try to lend some "older" DVD's which might _not_ be

One more Q: With the old VDR (w/o Plugins) Version, DVD replay
started directly ... even with Mrs Undercover ...

Does that mean something special ?

RALF (aka RML)

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