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[vdr] Re: SysFS Support

Helmut Auer wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> >Where exactly is it that VDR 1.2.6 does an fclose(NULL)?
> >
> >
> Shame on me - how can I think you make such errors ???? Its introduced
> by a patch, your code does not crash !!!
> >The check in /proc/video/dev/videoN is done in order to determine
> >which video device is the first DVB devce, so that the GRAB command
> >can access the right one. So even if VDR 1.3.4 doesn't crash, it doesn't
> >mean that it will find the right DVB device in an installation where there
> >are other video devices _before_ the first DVB device. So your patch
> >may well be necessary in VDR 1.3.x.
> >
> >
> Thats right, but I'm not sure how I can determine which device is a DVB
> device. In my case its easy, because in
> /sys/class/video4linux/video%d/name is the string av7110 written, but
> what about other dvb devices ?
> We need a list of valid names for dvb devices, and if no match is found
> device 0 should be used.

Could you please post the full contents of /sys/class/video4linux/video%d/name
for your DVB device?


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