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[vdr] Re: my problems with softdevices

solved, but now...

[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
Xv: NV17 Video Overlay: ports 103 - 103
Xv: grabbed port 103
[softdevice] Video Out seems to be OK
[softdevice] Initializing Audio Out
[audio] Opening alsa device plughw:0,0
[audio] Device opened! Ready to play
[softdevice] Audio out seems to be OK
[softdevice] A/V devices initialized, now initializing MPEG2 Decoder
[softdevice] OSD-Position at 54 x 45
[video] Creating WindowLayer at 54 x 45, (624 x 27)
[video] Creating WindowLayer at 54 x 72, (624 x 405)
[video] Creating WindowLayer at 54 x 477, (624 x 54)
[video] Unsupported depth 248294543

i tried changing defaultdepth and resolution in XF86Config-4, but seems none 
convination throws different message (allways Unsupported depth 248294543)

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