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[vdr] Re: Streamdev Q's and A's

Am Montag, 16. Februar 2004 14:36 schrieb Dennis Noordsij:
> I want to run a streamdev based setup, with one server with only budget
> cards, and at least 2 clients, both with a full featured card for tv-out
> with tuning disabled, with 1 client having priority over the other.
> First, enable suspend-tv always on server as it is headless:
> streamdev.c:41
> -bool cSuspendCtl::m_Active = false;
> +bool cSuspendCtl::m_Active = true;
> Seems to do the trick.

Yes. That will be a configurable feature of the new streamdev, coming 
hopefully TODAY (at least this week is promised *g*).

> One question I have is about server/connection.c, function
> cServerConnection::GetDevice,
> Why does it not directly do
> return cDevice::GetDevice( Channel, Priority, NULL );

It did that before 0.3.0.

> When I change it to just do that instead, the client can browse freely,
> changing channels, using up-down to change transponders as well as channel
> numbers directly.

You have a two card system, right? 

Imagine the following: One card, the client currently watches Pro7. Now the 
client wants to switch one up (let's say that's RTL). What happens? The 
client asks the server if it can send RTL, but is still receiving Pro7. Of 
course, the server will say it can not send RTL right now, because it is 
still sending Pro7 :-). That's why *g*.

Ah, on the other hand, just returning cDevice::GetDevice ignores the Suspend 
Mode (it makes no sense at all then, regardless if true or false).

> From what I understand so far, does "normal" tv viewing in VDR use priority
> -1 ? The streamdev client seems to specificy priority 0 in the PROV and
> TUNE calls, and thus override the server, which is what I want :-)

There is no real priority for live-view. That priority only exists in Transfer 
Mode, since Live-View (routing the incoming channel to the decoder) is done 
by the firmware. That's why I had to invent the suspend mode in first place.

> Server side timers of priority > 0 override live viewing on the client,
> which again is what I want :-) Now if I hardcode one of the clients to use
> priority "1", will that mean that client will be the dominant one (client
> "0" can only view channels on same transponder), but if client 1 is off, or
> using another budget card, client 0 can watch what it wants?

Yes, theoretically (untested *g*).

> When a channel viewing is interrupted, is it possible to automatically tune
> to an available channel instead of freezing the frame? If left for a while
> it sometimes makes the DVB card unstable.

I'll have a look into this issue.

> PS - EPG sync does not work and sometimes crashes server, but will look
> into that later :)

Maybe you've got the AUTOPID-Problem (it's an #ifdef in client/device.c 
currently set to #if 0. Set it to #if 1 to have EPG on the client). This will 
be corrected for 1.2 (without and hopefully even with AUTOPID) and 1.3 in the 
next release.


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