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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: Client/Server Streaming (vdr-streamdev-0.3.1)

Hi list,

this new release is, as usually, available from my pages:

It incorporates some important changes, for example separation of client and 
server into separate plugins. I've done this because the client has an own 
"service menu" now that allows editing timers etc. This also means that your 
settings, saved as "", won't work anymore. Furthermore, 
streaming is only allowed if a file called streamdevhosts.conf is present in 
your plugin config directory (i.e. /video/plugins/streamdevhosts.conf or /
etc/vdr/plugins/streamdevhosts.conf). The syntax is identical to 

This version works with vdr-1.2.6 with and without AutoPID (even EPG on 
DVB-less clients works) as well as with vdr-1.3.x.

For everything else, please consult the README, which has been reworked to 
respect all changes appropriately.

CHANGES since 0.0.3:
- Added finnish language texts (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg)
- Increased all ringbuffer sizes to 3 MB
- Autodetecting VDR 1.2.x, 1.2.x with AutoPID and 1.3.x on compilation
- Server is only restarted if necessary after confirming setup
- Implemented PID-based streaming (only needed PIDs are transferred instead of 
all PIDs of the requested channel) (configurable)
- Implemented an editor for remote timers
- Implemented manual EPG synchronization from client
- Implemented Server Suspend remotely from client (configurable)
- Implemented an IP-Editor for the setup menu
- Separated Client and Server into two PlugIns
- Increased initial number of clients to five
- Implemented host-based authorization (syntax is equal to svdrphosts.conf)
- Removed two irritating messages that appeared sometimes while exiting VDR
- Implemented "Choose, Always, Never" for Suspend Mode, so it can be 
configured to behave like 0.2.0 (Always), 0.3.0 (Choose) or completely 
different (Never)
- Added missing translation entries
- Added PlugIn description to translation table
- Fully upgraded to VDR 1.3.X regarding threading (but still works with 1.2.6)
- Reworked manual (almost everything)

Have fun!

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