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[vdr] Re: help with softdevice on EPIA-MII

donk know what is EPIA-MII, but i got it working in same conditiosn than you a 
few days ago, so may i can help, or so i hope :P.

i did it with xv, not fb, u must chose an option and remove the comment in the 
u need also, ffmpeg source, and tell in softdevice makefile where 
ffmpeg/libavcodec is, here is part of my makefile:


# DFB is very experimental (works only with my matrox G200, comments are 

# FB is unaccellerated and should work with any FB with 16bit color depth

# Vidix support by Vadim Catana

LIBAVCODEC = /usr/local/src/ffmpeg-0.4.8/libavcodec
DVBDIR     = ../../../../DVB
VDRDIR     = ../../..
LIBDIR     = ../../lib
TMPDIR     = /tmp

after it started working Stefan Lucke, told me about a patch, without the path 
didnt work very well.

Which softdevice do you use ? Did you tryed my xv-patch from ?

for nvidia cards there should be a line in video-xv.c like arg_xv_port = 0;
if that value is set to a non zero one this dedicated port is used.

I crashed my box during an upgrade to Suse9.0 so I'm in some way offline.

Stefan Lucke

also in /video/channels.conf (make sure u have here all .conf files), i had a 
problem, dont know if this whould be ur case, but free to air channels had a 
101 in the fifth column from the finish, it must be a 0, it is used to tell 
vdr what encription the channel has, so 0 is fta channel (be sure the channel 
is fta)

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