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[vdr] Re: OSD doesn't display

JLac wrote:
> Hello
> I'm currently writing a plugin for VDR using the osd to display some
> informations. But the osd don't show :-(
> after some tests the problem come from the resolution and depth color.
> My tests:
>         OSD dimension : 300x200 depthcolor = 2  -> OK Osd Display
>         OSD dimension : 300x200 depthcolor = 4  -> OK Osd Display
>         OSD dimension : 560x400 depthcolor = 2  -> OK Osd Display
>         OSD dimension : 560x400 depthcolor = 4  -> ko Osd doesn't Display :-(
> a piece of source :
>         x = 50;y = 50;
>         screen = cOsd::OpenRaw(x, y);
>         win = screen->Create(0, 0, w, h, depthcolor);
> do you have somes ideas ?
> thanks,
> ps: developpement under vdr-1.2.6

OSD memory on the full featured DVB cards is very limited, some 80KB.


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