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[vdr] Re: how detect vdr has closed socket in c++?

On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 20:28, Guido Fiala wrote:
> -checked return-value and errno after write
> -select for read after write and checked errno here
> -select before write and a read (i can only read 0 bytes, as i don't expect 
> any byte actually there)
> -write(fd,temp,0) just before the real write - still no error
> The behaviour is, that only the second write that fails is actually producing
> the error at the socket, write() returns an error and errno is set...
> Any other thing to try?

If you used poll(2), then a closed socket would be signaled by either
- POLLIN with read() returning 0: end of file
- POLLHUP: connection closed
- POLLERR: erroneous state
(if I remember correctly)


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