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[vdr] Re: [vdr]Bitstreamout plugin does not compile with kernel2.6.3


Hmmm ... then you're using a symbolic link from




No - thats not the point.
The problem is that my DVBDIR points to /usr/src/linux ( I am using the kernel drivers ).
And so all compiles are getting this directory with the -I option.

which may cause more trouble in future, because with new gcc
there are special features only usabel for kernel compiles.
Therefore newer glibc versions have their own /usr/include/linux/
tree which is usable for user land programs. With the glibc
version of linux/compiler.h you do not need to remove or
define __KERNEL__ ...

And as you see, the split between user and kernel land features
is spreading more and more.


Helmut Auer,

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