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[vdr] Re: vdr at dbox2

Andreas Oberritter wrote:
While TS playback has been tested quite well with Neutrino (and Enigma
now, too), PES playback using audio0 and video0 has not. Keeping the
stuff in sync is very hard.
That matches my observation.

This will never happen with a properly muxed TS where audio and video
pes packets can be transmitted "simultaneously" because of the small and
fixed TS packet size.
I know very little about all that, but I did notice that the data
currently produced by VDR can be played back or otherwise processed
only by very few programs such as mplayer and pvastrumento.
So I guess it might be a big step forward to move to a better format
again. There has already been the move from AV_PES to PES in the past.
I wonder how Klaus would feel about that?

Of course, I have half a TB of VDR recordings in PES and even if
VDR would record in TS from now on, I would still not be able to
play the old recordings back properly.

a value which makes it try to synchronize a/v. The dbox2 drivers do this
once after AUDIO_PLAY. You could try to set up a kernel timer which
tries that regulary, but I think this won't help if the input stream is
not ok.
I see.
That's why stopping/restarting the playback sometimes helps a little.

Gdb needs too much memory. Use gdbserver:
Thanks for the hint, I'll try that out.

3) The DVB driver on the dbox does not provide the necessary functions
   for any of the trick modes (Fast Forward, Fast Reverse, Slow Motion).

They never will for two reasons:
a) The decoder does not support either of these features.
Of course it would be nice to have hardware support for these,
but is that the only chance?
I mean, obviously the software can control the sequence of
frames sent to the controller, so at least for FF/FR it could
send only I-frames or only every Nth I frame.

Regarding slow motion I do not know. I guess it will not yield
the desired results to replicate P- or B- frames?  ;-)
However, slow motion by replicating I-frames often enough
may be better than nothing.

If I had enough time, I would try that all out inside VDR.

b) The network interface is too slow for real fast forward.
Are you sure? I have never calculated that.
Note that VDR does know the file offsets of all I-frames
(that information is stored in the index.vdr file), so it
would only have to read I-frame data over the network for FF/FR.
How big is a typical I-frame?
At 10 Mbit/s and 25 I-frames per second the theoretical
maximum size would be < 50 kilobytes.
If I-frames can get larger than that, one might play back
every (Nth) I-frame twice.
Does any of that sound realistic to you?

  I will offer my current version of the patch to the tuxbox folks.

I'll send you my current version via private mail.


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