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[vdr] interesting feature?

Sometimes it's not obvious if there is enough free disc space available for a 
certain recording some time in the future.

If vdr is the only one eating space at that partition it could theoretically 
calculate if the disc-space is enough for each timer in advance.

So if i open the timer menu, all timers where not enough space is likely 
should be marked, in the Elchi-case maybe with a reversed timer or if 
possible colored somehow? (e.g. by using a vertical stripe of osd-window for 
the first pixels left of the timers?)

The algorithm to calculate if there is enough space needs to take into account 
all intermediate ongiong recordings reducing free space as well as recordings 
which will get automatically deleted because of their lifetimes. If the 
remaining space is not enough for a certain timer it needs to be marked.

Then the user has some warning time - to watch some elder recording and 
afterwards delete it or move some files somewhere else...

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