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[vdr] Splitting .vdr files


after recording a movie with my analog TV card (that is in a separate
machine because my VDR has no free slot) using streamer I get a 9 GB AVI.
mencoder converts it to a MPEG2 using the command

mencoder movie.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts \
vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=2500:mbd=2:acodec=mp2:abitrate=192 \ 
-of mpeg -ofps 25 -o 001.vdr

The AVI is recorded at 720x576 so no scaling is required. The quality on my
TV using the DVB card is very good so I would rather not change any of the

Unfortunately the created .vdr file is 2.1GB so I can't run genindex.
Hence, no index.vdr available. 

As Klaus wrote earlier the .vdr files need to be split at GOP boundaries. 
Since I don't understand the code in remux.c I can't write anything myself.
Is there a tool that does what needs to be done here? Google let me down
here :-( 

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