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[vdr] Re: vdr 1.3.5 and UPT-behaviour

Martin Holst wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Martin Holst wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > after compiling vdr 1.3.5 and 10(!) channel-switches on the secondary
> > > card: UPT-error. And (what's curious): no restart, although there are
> > > 15 UPT-messages in the log... Is the value "exitOnFailure" = false?
> >
> > "exitOnFailure" is only 'true' if there is a _recording_ going on.
> > In live Transfer Mode there is no automatic emergency exit.
> Ok. Then it's my fault. But is it a good idea, to initiate an emergency-exit
> only, if there is a recording on the secondary card? As I watch TV with vdr
> (and sometimes on the secondary card, as the primary is blocked due to a
> recording) I don't want to see the UPT-block artefacts. So I would suggest to
> initiate a restart whenever a UPT-condition occurs (that's how I changed vdr the
> last few months). Ok, if there's a recording going on, it'll be damaged (for
> a few seconds). But after that, I can use vdr to watch TV...

You can do "Setup/Restart" in such a case. After all, you're sitting in
front of the TV and can decide for yourself whether or not you want to
do that ;-)

But of course you can modify the program so that it also initiates an
emergency exit for Transfer Mode.

In your particular case, where apparently the UPT error occurs regularly,
enabling WAIT_FOR_LOCK_AFTER_TUNING in VDR/dvbdevice.c would probably be
the best, though.


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