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[vdr] Re: Transcoding to mpeg2

Nigel Magnay wrote:

I'm guessing there may be a few people on this list that are doing transcoding to mpeg2 in order to view non mp2 videos with VDR.
I'm currently using a line of
mencoder -o bb2.mpeg -of mpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=5000 -vop scale=720:576 -oac lavc bb.avi
To do my transcoding. This works fine, but on my 933Mhz C3 I get a glorious convesion rate of about 9fps. I kinda expected this because
the C3 isn't the fastest machine in the world and MPEG2 is known to be quite expensive.
So - are there any good 'options' I can pass to mencoder that people have discovered - notably, I don't care about the output file size particularly, my
high value for vbitrate= was to try and save it some time in compressing.
I'm not at home so I can't check my actual scripts, but I use
the "spp=3" post-processor, and I specifically request audio to
be transformed to mp2 (192kbit/s if I remember correctly).
I use a somewhat lower vbitrate since I had some problems playing
it out when it was somewhere in the area 5000-6000.

I'm probably going to buy a 3Ghz P4 or something to act as my transcoding box - does anyone know if that should be sufficient ?
I'm running on Athlon XP 2500+, and that conversion happens
a bit lower than real-time. It doesn't matter too much to
me since I play it out via VDR using the mplayer plugin, so
the conversion can still be ongoing while I start watching.
I'm not too sure spp=3 helps, but it doesn't hurt. I tried
spp=6, but it was so slow it was unusable for me.

As to machine speed, and if I wanted to convert something
*to* AVI, I'd very much prefer a 10Ghz P8, or something :).


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