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[vdr] Re: Transcoding to mpeg2

Patrick Cernko wrote:
If you only want to what the material once you can use the mplayer plugin together with Juri's fine script. There you can get realtime transcoding directly to your DVB device with scaleable performance/quality. My 866MHz P3-Notebook is fast enough to transcode at a output resolution of about 700x576 and I only expirence very very seldom stuttering at very high motion scenes.
I was never able to get decent video quality with it. The quality
of first transcoding to mpeg2, and then viewing that using the mplayer
plugin (which then does no conversion) is clearly superior for me.
Much less artifacts this way.

Of course this may have changed since I tried this a few months ago,
but I doubt it.

One thing that I learned about mplayer at that time is that I really
have no clue how the video flows through it :-(. One thing that's sure
is that it doesn't work the way one would expect after reading the man page.
This affects things like post processing filters being bypassed, etc.


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