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[vdr] Re: 47721 ???


since this is my first post on this ML, I want to say "Hello" to everybody, 
and I will probably bother you with some VDRsync and Sharemarks 
annoucements / questions in the near future. Until than, I want to thank 
everybody that contributed to the VDR, for the brilliant work, especially, of 
course, Klaus.

But now an attempt to  answer the question:
On Monday 05 April 2004 15:08, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Nicolas wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have notice that when I read a vdr recording,
> > PTS jumps back to 0 after about 47721 seconds and that disturbs
> > the extraction of the teletext subtiles.
> >
> > Why vdr does that ?
> VDR doesn't do anything with the PTS. It just records whatever is
> broadcast.

The PTS is a 33(!) Bit timer that has a "tick" length of 1/9000 seconds.

In other words: Every 2^33 / 90000 seconds there will be an overflow. (That is 
roughly all 26 hours). Since some people are smarter than I am, they only 
evaluate 32 bits of the 33. That means that roughly every 13 hours you get an 
overflow. Your observed value corresponds nicely with the 32 Bit overflow.

> > How to avoid it ?
There is now way around that, and you can not predict when the overflow will 
happen. You have to adjust the program for this.


VDRsync - a Perl Script for processing VDR Recordings

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