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[vdr] Re: UPT-Watchdog for VDR 1.2.6

Hi  Martin,

I watched out the LOG-Files an i have to say, that i have a minimum of
10 UPT Errors within the first 5 Minutes of a wrong recording so
i think 10 Errors are ok to do a restart - but if i will loose to much
recording i will reduce them to 5 or something other value.

I dont think itīs a need to restart on every UPT-Error because
i also have only 1 UPT-Error within a Recording and thats the only
one within the Recording so a REstart is not realy needed.

I hope anyone can help me.

Best regards


> Hi Axel,

> Axel Gruber schrieb:
>> Hi List
>> Is there anyone out who have a small patch for me wich do a Restart
>> (emergency-Exit)
>> when a configurable number UPTīs happen during a Recording.

> Simply do an immediate restart. Or did you really ever come out of a UPT
> situation without restart? I lost nearly an hour a few days ago due to
> the standard of ten UPT in 1.3.6 and reestablished an immediate restart
> then.

> Martin

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