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[vdr] Re: genfonts,OSD font, new VDR OSD, help!

Drazen Dupor wrote:
> VDR 1.3.6
> With genfont app, I have generated fixfont and smlfont for iso-8859-2
> null problemo!
> but omd fonts are difficult.
> fontosd.c (iso8859-1 Height = 27) are generated from
> -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--23-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1
> look at this "23" in font description (and generated font height is 27)
> no way that I could find this!
> (well it's not in suse 9.0 distro, google ist also "result-los")
> ------------
> I have
> -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--20-140-100-100-p-100-iso8859-1
> -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--24-240-75-75-p-130-iso8859-1
> (and same for iso8859-2)
> and those resulting with smaller or bigger osd fonts. (Height = 23 and 30)
> wihich are, well, to small or to big!
> ------------
> Solutions:
> 1) some fontguru transform x server font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-xx
> to -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--23-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-2
> (please, so I can use diesent one)
> 1a) tell me how to do 1) (step by step - I'm not font guru)
> 1b) tell me where to find it
> 2) new VDR OSD enable use of "bigger" fonts (lineHeight in osd.c),
> AND then control linecount for OSD screen.
> (wenn I set lineHeight to 30 font are fine, but last linie in osd screen is
> lost...)
> --> lineHeight AND osd linecount depend from used font.
> 3) trick the genfont, so I have font with height = 28, but that ist NOT the
> right solution.

Simply use whatever font size you see fits. Just make sure the Osd font is
larger than the Sml font.

Vdr 1.3.7 will automatically adjust all OSD objects according to the used font.


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