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[vdr] Re: How to notice plugin-ending?

Torsten Kunkel wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to add an "auto-reset-option" to the dvdselect-plugin. This
> option should automatically reset the dvd-device-link to the real dvd.
> My problem is, how could I get this information?
> I already tried to run the command after the activation of the
> dvd-plugin:
>         p->MainMenuAction();
>         Reset();
> but to that time, the dvd-plugin still runs and I kill the dvd-link
> while the dvd starts. Bad idea :(
> Is there an way to start an other plugin and to come back to my code
> AFTER the plugin is finished?

Set up a cStatus object and listen for the calls to the cStatus::Replaying()
function. If Replaying() is called with a nem of "DVD", then the next call
to Replaying() with NULL as the name indicates that the replay has stopped
(that's assuming the DVD plugin calls cStatus::MsgReplaying(this, "DVD"),
as it should).


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