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[vdr] Outdated EPG-Box


I've described this problem a few weeks ago, but I don't find the related
message in my Inbox (seems to be deleted, so sorry for breaking this thread)

I've recognized, that when I switch a channel there is sometimes an outdated
EPG-Infobox shown. I also noticed, that when I look into the "what's
on"-list I'll see the actual EPG-Info. When I press the blue-Key and switch to that
corresponding channel, I'll see an info-box with an event 10 hours ago. In
the last post I thought, that this is related to "EPG linger time">0. But now
I've set this option to "0" and I still have this outdated EPG-data sometimes
and as I said before: if I look into the "what's on"-list _before_ switching
to that channel, I'll see the actual epg-info for that channel. So it must be
a fault in the channel-info-box-code.

plain vdr 1.3.6 (with UPT-workaround activated)


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