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[vdr] DVD plugin and Star Wars 2's subtitles


I'm having problems with dvd plugin and Star Wars 2 dvd's subtitles.
I can see only english subtitles: english, english for hearing impaired
and two english subtitles for commentaries, but I cannot see finnish,
swedish, danish nor norwegian subtitles...

First I thought that the dvd plugin cannot handle subtitles with
non-english characters, but when I tries Final Fantasy dvd, finnish
subtitles were shown correctly.

With SW2 dvd, vdr shows that it's trying to show subtitle 10/10, but
nothing comes to screen.

I've tried two different setup, both gave the same result:
vdr-1.2.6 + dvd-0.3.4-rc6
vdr-1.3.4 + dvd-0.3.4-rc10

And I should also mention that I tried FF dvd only on vdr-1.2.6 setup,
where it worked perfectly.

So, real question is: What can I do to make this SW2 dvd work?
Anybody else having these problems?


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