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[vdr] How to read more info of the STREAMTYPE_13818_AUDIO in pat.c?

The language descriptor tag will only display the language of the left audio
channel and nothing about what language is on the other,  the problem is
that i dont really know if its possible or how to read more info out of the
13818_audio tag.

I have made a hack for selecting a global preffered audio language on all
channels, but now i want it to select left/right/stereo based on this
language, but the problem is that based on the info that pat.c gives i cant
find out on how to differ between those channels. I guess one would have to
parse more data from the "13818_audio" part in pat.c, but i have no clue on
how to do this. An example on how to read all data from the 13818_AUDIO
would have been nice:)

I have read the previous topics about this subject, but it doesnt help me

If any could give me some hints/help on this it would have been nice.

Maybe there are people that already are working on something like this?

Bjørnar Nilsen

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