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[vdr] Re: [Bug or Feature?] - wrong owner of recording dirs.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 01:56:35PM +0200, DOm wrote:
> Hallo,
> i don't know if it is a bug or a desired behaviour, but on my system vdr
> creates recording dirs with owner "root" even if it was launched by
> another user. I noted this on a software only setup
> (softdevice+streamdev) on witch i lauch vdr without superuser
> permissions and have a local VIDEODIR in the normal-user home directory.

Addendum to other mail:

If you switch of change-uid, then you have to make sure that you have
the permissions for all needed resouces!

On my system(Debian) the device-files are in the group "video", so you
must add you user to this group.
adduser <username> video
(You have to logout/login the user after the change!)

And don't forget to chown all dirs to you user.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
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