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[vdr] DVD replay problems with DMA

Hi all,

strange problem:

Replaying DVD (using libdvdcss/dvd plugin) works only if I 
_disable_ DMA on the DVD drive which is connected to IDE0/hda.
No more drives attached in this system. (vdr-recordings by NFS)

I see the "...take a long time" message when crypt key is
checked and the replay starts 3 secs after.
But if DMA disable, the replay is scattered and vdr dropps many,
many frames! So no chance to watch DVD in that way.

DMA enabled, the replay does never ever start, the according
vdr thread is state D (uninterruptible sleep (usually IO))
Only reboot fixes this ;-)

During the scattert replay with DMA off, I can hdparm and
enable DMA on the fly - that works very well but is not
really a satifying solution !

What I need now:

_either_ give me a hint how to "hdparm -d 0" when pressing
DVD replay before the decryption starts and "hdparm -d 1" 
shortly after when replay has started.

_or_ any hints why DMA on causes the dvd-plugin to hang
under those circumstances ...

please HELP !


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