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[vdr] Directories are not created on install if they don't exist

Björn Anderson wrote:
> > Not sure if this has been fixed, but VDR 1.2.5 (IIRC), failed to install
> > the man pages if the directories /usr/local/man{1,5} were missing. It
> > didn't create them itself if they weren't there.

On Sun, Apr 25 2004, at 00:50:06 -0400, Philippe Daoust wrote:
> Then just edit the makefile to reflect the proper man directory.  this
> changes from distro to distro...

In my first post I meant /usr/local/man/man{1,5}. This is the correct
location for local installs on Debian (and according to the FHS),
but the directories are not precreated by the distribution. I think
it is bug that these, or any other, directories are not created if
they do not exist.

But, as I said, I am not sure if this has been fixed or not in later


Björn Andersson <>
PGP id 5AFC144B

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