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[vdr] Re: vdr 1.2.6, Nexus & Hyperthreading/SMP

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, it was written:

> I am sorry that I cannot help you what is wrong. But I can say that my setup is working with HT:
> - kernel 2.4.24

This maybe is the main difference...

> - dvb driver linux-dvb.2003-11-08

Here I've heard about driver updates in LinVDR because there have been also
people who couldn't record anything for more than a minute with 2.6 kernels.
Sounded very like my problem.

> - vdr 1.2.6
> - 2x DVB-C cards
> - 1x DVB-S cards

Wow. Do you really need this ? :)

> - P4 3GHz / HT
> - Intel D845 -mobo

In fact, I have a Intel 875 board but I don't think that this is the problem.

> So it is not hopeless.. :-) I also had problem with earlier kernel versions (2.4.19), but upgrading to 2.4.24 made everything to work. I don't know what is well working kernel version in 2.6-tree, but try a different kernel??

Hm, might be a good idea. Today I read abouth Torvald's announcement that
a new kernel-fix for the coming 2.6.6 is out and that there have been changes
in the DVB drivers too. I'll give it a try and tell you so that others
don't have to search like I had to. I maybe also try a 2.4 kernel, they
are getting better too.

Thanx, at least there is a shine of hope. :)

BTW, it should also be possible to record several programmes as long as they
are on the same transponder. I tried it with acpi=off (no hyperthreading)
and could record 2 programmes at once. Recording 3 programmes leaded to
a crash of the vdr program. At first it got more and more errors and
in the end it showed nothing at all, only black. Then it just crashed.
I read in a FAQ (I think it was that even budget cards
and slow PCs (they are talking about 1 GHz Athlon) can record upto
3 channels at once without any problems. Is a Nexus card more problematic
regarding recording several channels at once ? Very strange...

Udo Wolter                      |  /"\
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