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[vdr] DVD plugin : maintainer wanted


I'm searching for the maintainer of the DVD plugin but I'm getting no
answer.  What's the procedure to be followed in this case ?
I'm debugging the plugin and I got two bugs.
The first one one cause a VDR crash while changing preferred DVD language
in the plugin setup menu, the second one is a buffer overflow in sound
handling ( generating unpredictable vdr crash ) while reading some DVD's.
In this case the patch I applied is really raw, i enlarged the buffer
allocation, but I don't know why the initial designer decided to allocate
such a buffer using that size .....
So someone can say me what to do over than describe the patch I applied ?

The plugins used is dvd-0.3.4-rc10

DVD Setup problem :

In the DVD plugin setup, when trying to choose a language over the last
defined VDR crash.

File : setup-dvd.c
Function : cMenuSetupDVD::cMenuSetupDVD(void)


Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred menu language"),&data.MenuLanguage,  I18nNumLanguages, Languages));
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred audio Language"),&data.AudioLanguage, I18nNumLanguages,Languages));
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred subtitle language"),&data.SpuLanguage, I18nNumLanguages,Languages));

Changed in

Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred menu language"), &data.MenuLanguage,  14, Languages));  // tho68
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred audio language"), &data.AudioLanguage, 14, Languages));  // tho68
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVD$Preferred subtitle language"), &data.SpuLanguage,   14, Languages));  // tho68

DVD Buffer overflow problem

File : ca52.c
Function : A52decoder::A52decoder(cDvdPlayer &ThePlayer): player(ThePlayer)


  blk_buf = (uchar *)malloc(24*1024);

changed in

  blk_buf = (uchar *)malloc(48*1024);   //tho68

I got the buffer overflow  using the dvd "Polvere di Stelle", but in the
past I got vdr crashes using other DVD's I cannot test back.
The real overflow was of 404 bytes, 24576 allocated , 24980 used.
after overflow happened, crash could happen on unpredictable events
( spu handling, remote control button click .... ).
The crash was signaled as a segmentation fault in the malloc function.


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