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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-mailbox-0.3.0

Hi all,

I just uploaded version 0.3.0 of the mailbox-plugin to



2004-05-31: Version 0.3.0

- supports VDR-1.3.8 and 1.3.9, vdr-versions <= 1.3.6
  are no longer supported, 1.3.6 not checked
  (therefore the version bump to 0.3.x)

- removed the improved word wrapping and the font selection
  due to the changes in osd-handling (skins) of vdr.

- corrected an error in decoding encoded words ('=?..?..?=')

- access restrictions: it's now possible to assign a numerical
  code to every mailbox and to configure if this code is necessary
  to enter the settings for the mailboxes or even the mail-view
  -> no access to the settings of a mail account or even no
  access to the mails without the code.

- removed the conditional compilation for the ElchiAIO-patch.

- small performance improvement when selecting another Mail.

- limit the maximum number of mails to download to a configurable
  number to improve usability with big mail-folders (until a
  'fetch-mails-on-demand' and a 'fetch-only-unread' feature is
  implemented). The default maximum number is 100; 0 disables this
  feature. (Suggested by Frank Herrmann)

Have fun,

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