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[vdr] Re: Titming problem? Subtitles with dvd-plugin with xine


Stefan Norberg wrote:

Also, if I press the menu-button while having dvd-subtitles, the menu

overwritten by the subtitles. I also got a crash while bringing up the
vdr-menu while having subtitles enabled.

Currently, vdr-xine keeps a pointer to the current OSD object, to be able
show the current OSD when xine connects to VDR. Usually, there should only

exist one OSD object at a time, but it might well be, that a second OSD
is constructed before the old one gets destructed.

Such a case might either cause an assert statement to bail out or might
a crash.

Here's an example:

vdr-1.3.8: xineDevice.c:810: void PluginXine::cXineDevice::OnFreeOsd(cOsd*):
Assertion `osd == m_currentOsd' failed.
I've seen the same a few seconds ago. I'll check, whether there is anything to fix in vdr-xine.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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