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[vdr] Re: WANTED: people who are running vdr-xine on debian testing

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 08:44:52AM +0300, Jan Ekholm wrote:
> I remember compiling something on my C3 a year and a half ago, I think it
compiling on a c3 is less critical than cross-compiling on an athlon-xp
with c3 as a target... xine's configure-scripts seem to autodetect the
architecture they are run on, so cross-compiling is really difficult...

> was libavcodec. As the C3 didn't really like SSE or SSE2 and there was a
> switch to disable those instructions in the ./configure script I tried it.
> The compilation still added in the SSE/SSE2 stuff, so the switch was more
> or less useless.

it is even worse: the c3 is a 686, while it is missing the _optional_
"conditional move" instructions; gcc enables cmov when compiling for
686... so if you don't know it, you easily run into a trap ;) 
even worse with hand-optimized assembly bits in programs like mplayer.

c u

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