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[vdr] Re: Coredump - vdr 1.3.9 at eit.c:205

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Well, IIRC the Title and ShortText can by definition only be up to 256
bytes long (including the terminating 0). But of course we could use a

  char buffer[4096];

for both cases.
Well, I'm just waiting till someone sends epg data to root a lot of vdr boxes using some neat buffer overflows.
Providing how many vdrs are running as root (I'm sure there are a lot) I'd really suggest to get rid of all auto variable buffers and use buffers in the heap instead.

.. or i'm just too paranoid :)

Thanks for your debugging work. I'll try to find out more about the actual
cause of the problem tomorrow (provided the ZDF transponder still sends
garbled data then). Right now my VDR is recording...
Never mind, but I missed todays episode of Hausmeister Krause ;(
(did I really miss something?)

kind regards Philip

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