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[vdr] Re: Looking for new maintainer: mplayercluster

Am Sonntag, 6. Juni 2004 19:26 schrieb Thomas Glomann:
> there is indeed a (unofficial) successor to your clusterplugin. Everybody
> who is interested in a working 'clusterplugin' might have a look at
> The work is done by Patrick Cernko. He follows a slightly different
> approach. therefore no extra plugin is needed on the client (if i remember
> correctly). You simply use the default mplayer plugin which then calls the
> transcoding programs. Moreover, on the server part, you can now take use of
> the great script.
> I hope he will respond to this thread by himself, as it is not to me to
> decide who will take over maintenance of the cluster plugin. But I think he
> will be happy to see people using his code. :)
> His recodertools really work awesomely well and it is independently of VDR
> versions as it is not a usual plugin. So give it a try!

I hope too he takes part in this discussion :-)

I've tried his tools today and must say that they run more or less as unstable 
as my own old plugin :-), but since the documentation is a little 'thin', it 
may also be my own fault.

I like the approach, but it surely needs a lot of documentation first :-) and 
I also think that it's only possible if the movie file is mounted to the 
recoderd-server via nfs, or did I overlook something?


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