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[vdr] Re: Step by step vdr installation (one more step)

> 9. load SkyStar2 modules; "modprobe skystar" and "modprobe stv0299" 
> Do this as root user.
> 10. run vdr with './runvdr' command.
> Well I got everything till step 10 right, and I feel like I'm missing
> some steps after step 10 because when I run vdr I get this as a
> response:
> [root@lain vdr-1.3.9]# ./runvdr
> Makefile:102: /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358/build/Rules.make: No such file or
> directory
> make: *** No rule to make target
> `/lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358/build/Rules.make'.  Stop.
> vdr: no primary device found - using first device!
> What does this mean?

There is no mpeg2 decoder on the SkyStar, you will need soft mpeg2
decoding. I use vdr-xine with xine's sofware decoder. 

I have a button that loads the modules and my runvdr script is modified
to check that the modules are in the kernel. 

LSMOD="`/sbin/lsmod | grep -w 'dvb-core' | wc -l`"

I also use modprobe which should be used with 2.6 kernels instead of the
old module commands

Hope this helps.

BTW if anyone has the last 6 laps of yesterdays MotoGP, I run out of
disk space because of the interruption for rain...



Tony Grant

-- Library management software toolkit

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