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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.9: default parameters in 'skincurses'

Jeremy Hall wrote:

ok here's a case for multiple users to control vdr :)

I may be at home, watching something, so I start vdr with the curses skin.

I may go out, but leave vdr running. My girlfriend might come home and want to watch a recording she asked me to make. She needs to be able to turn on the television, press play, and watch her show. SHe can't restart vdr, and I can't remember to reset it to sttng skin.
You seem to describe the "screen" behaviour, when you close your terminal, leaving the screen session, then open another terminal and bring the session back there ("screen -r"). Very useful when the distant connection fails and you want to keep the shells, or when you work home, then get the session back at work (and vice-versa).

another example:

Invariably, vdr likes to get desynced from its audio and video--an easy solution is to press left then right arrows and then vdr resyncs. I'd like to be able to control that from the television instead of having to run into the other room, press the arrows, then come back, quite annoying.
That is a 2 input devices setup, isn't it ?


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