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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] fix segfaults because of channels with umlauts

Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> ...
> > I guess you're right about checking the return value of asprintf().
> > But first I'd like to know exactly why asprintf() failed on your system.
> > The typical error mentioned in the GNU C Library Reference Manual for
> > asprintf() would be a failure to allocate the buffer, which normally
> > should be pretty unlikely, given the amount of RAM today's systems have...
> LC_CTYPE was set to de_DE.UTF-8 and asprintf apparently fails if it
> encounters an invalid UTF-8 string in this case.

So I guess I should make a note in the INSTALL file that UTF-8 should not
be used when running VDR.

> > > Does DVB define an encoding for channel names and EPG or do umlauts
> > > only work by accident?
> >
> > The German channels apparently use the ISO-8859-9 character table, so
>                                                   ^1
> > umlauts work by default.
> As long as there is no field in the data received from the satellite
> that indicates the specific encoding I'd call this 'by accident'.

There is such a field, and it has the value corresponding to ISO-8859-9.
So German umlauts do work by default, since this table has the umlauts
at the same positions as ISO-8859-1, which is the one typically used
on German systems.

> I suppose czech channels have broken umlauts on systems with a german
> locale and vice versa.

Don't know, I don't speak Czech ;-)


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