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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: Text-based skin loader (vdr-text2skin-0.0.3)

Hi list,

This plugin is designed to load and interpret a set of files describing the 
layout of the On Screen Display and to make this "Skin" available to VDR via 
Setup -> OSD in the main menu. Of course it is possible to load more than one 
text-based skin this way and to choose between them while running VDR. All 
skins may be themeable (you can create your own color-theme) and 
translateable as the author of the skin wishes.
CHANGES since 0.0.2:
- fixed VPSTime which was displayed on channels that didn't even have VPS
- fixed Symbols in channel display when viewing a group
- fixed text translation if no translation is present
- fixed compile error with gcc 3.4 (thanks to Gregoire Favre for reporting 
- restructured Skin format (now the official Skin version is 0.0.2)
  it is now possible to control visibility of all items
- added a script to convert 0.0.1 themes to 0.0.2
- added support for animated logos (mng or gif files) ONLY IMAGEMAGICK!!!
- added finnish language translations (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg)


Skins in the old 0.0.1 format can be translated to the new format using a 
perl-script inside the contrib/ directory. So there's no need to convert the 
skins manually. Example:

vdr:/video/plugins/text2skin # cp MySkin/ MySkin/
vdr:/video/plugins/text2skin # <MySkin/ >MySkin/

Make sure that the converted skin has version=0.0.2 in it's Skin-Item. The 
version is checked now when loading the skins.

Using the new format, it is possible to differenciate the display of items 
finer. I.e. it is possible to draw a rectangle only when EPG data is being 
displayed, or an to draw an image only if there's a Message to be displayed.

For animations, I prefer using the MNG format, but GIF should work as well (I 
didn't test that myself). It is possible to use an animation for each image 
loaded in the skin, the PlugIn will display multiple animations in parallel 
correctly. For testing, the (updated) demo-skin contains an animated RTL-Logo 
(looks ugly). All other logos in the demo-skin are MNG's with only one frame 
(since all logos must have the same file-ending).


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