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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] fix segfaults because of channels with umlauts

Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > >
> > > Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Nevertheless it's a bug in vdr to ignore the
> > > > return value and to not check for NULL. Attached patch is for 1.2.6,
> > > > 1.3.x needs a similar one.
> > >
> > > I guess you're right about checking the return value of asprintf().
> > > But first I'd like to know exactly why asprintf() failed on your system.
> > > The typical error mentioned in the GNU C Library Reference Manual for
> > > asprintf() would be a failure to allocate the buffer, which normally
> > > should be pretty unlikely, given the amount of RAM today's systems have...
> >
> > I've decided against checking all the return values of asprintf(), because
> > that would be too much hassle in many places. Besides, there are many places
> > where objects are allocated on the heap and it is not explicitly checked
> > whether the returned pointer is valid. At some point one must be able to
> > assume that there is enough memory available, otherwise the whole system
> > wouldn't be able to work reasonably at all.
> The problem here is not failure to allocate memory but as the
> manpage says 'some other error'. Invalid UTF-8 strings are probably
> just one example of 'some other error'.

Well, there haven't been any "other errors" in years, its just that nasty
UTF-8 that some distributions now apparently have made the default. Personally
I don't see why my system should use UTF-8. I am German, all right, but iso8859-1
works just fine for me, so no need for the hassle with those two-byte characters.

> Ignoring that leads to
> strange crashes. The quick workaround I posted does just #define
> asprintf to something that sets the pointer to NULL in case of
> failure. If vdr then crashes because of a NULL pointer it's clearly
> a bug and easy to debug. Instead of the #define it would also be
> possible to write a real function with a different name as wrapper
> to asprintf or to put the wrapper into a different namespace like
> vdr::asprintf and substitute all asprintf with that.

What I could agree with is to always initialize the given buffer to NULL
(I believe there are some places where this isn't the case). However, this
won't help if you have UTF-8 turned on, because asprintf() will fail, anyway.

> > The actual problem here doesn't even have to do with memory consumption,
> > but rather with incompatible character representations, which would cause
> > the program to work wrong, anyway. So I'd rather remove the root of all evil,
> > which is UTF-8. I'll therefore add a few lines to vdr.c, which will check
> > this at program startup and exit if necessary:
> That's nasty, better downgrade it to a warning.

As we can see it just won't work with UTF-8, so I'll keep it a fatal error.
Better stop right away than let people run into strange crashes.

> A proper fix would
> be to convert all incoming strings to the encoding vdr runs in
> (which ideally would be UTF-8 to be able to handle all languages).

Which would also require a lot more extensive fonts, I believe.
Besides, as far as I can see the stations on Astra all use some
iso8859-x, so why bother with UTF-8?

> Btw, right now vdr creates invalid directories in /video when the
> system locale is UTF-8 which means that e.g. gtk2 programs don't
> display them in the file selection dialog.

Well, looks like we'll need yet another make option like VFAT=1.
I can either map all 8-bit characters to some 7-bit representation
(as, for instance, mapping 'ä' to 'ae') or leave them out entirely.

I'm not going to implement UTF-8 support in any way, because I
consider UTF-8 one of the most stupid ideas in computer history.
To me a character is a character is a character. It is ONE entity,
not sometimes one and sometimes two. If we really need more characters
at the same time, we'll need to use 16 or 32 bit per single character.
But that's also a direction I wouldn't want go to, because 8 bit characters
are apparently sufficient for an STB application.


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