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[vdr] Re: How is the length of a recording calculated

I demand that Sameer Khosla may or may not have written...

> ----Original Message-----
>> Is there any easy way to fix this?

> VDR/recording.h:

> #define FRAMESPERSEC 25

> Set this to 30 (which I believe is the frame rate of NTSC).

> Klaus

> Actually, I'm not sure, but I believe the framerate for NTSC is actually
> 29.7 (going from memory, will check).  I am sure that it isn't a whole
> number.  Is that constant an integer or float?

Are you claiming that you wrote all of the above five paragraphs? If so,
fine; if not, tell Outlook to prefix quoted text with "> ".

(And, if OEquotefix works with Outlook, use that too. There was a lot of
broken wrapping in your message...)

| Darren Salt | d youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | nr. Ashington,
| Debian,     | s zap,tartarus,org            | Northumberland
| RISC OS     | @                             | Toon Army
|   Let's keep the pound sterling

I'd like to, but I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.

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